Sunday, October 26, 2008

I think I am sponsored!!!

Today I met with a Master falconer in my area. We talked for a long while and discussed what I need to do after the test to prepare for my license. I am looking at books now to learn to make the anklets and jesses.
I have gathered things from the garage, My husband's left welding glove (hope he won't miss it!), some nylon twine for a creance, and his leather working tools.
My mentor gave me a few grommets and loaned me his setter, so I can get going on that. I found a sizable scrap of leather that I think is of the appropriate weight, and I will begin that project sometime tomorrow I hope...although I will have the test tomorrow, as well!!
I was fortunate enough to be loaned his copy of NAFHH, which is rather hard to come by!! So, I am skimming it's pages and trying to calculate in my head how to not get ahead of myself, yet, get the job done right!!! It is easy to get caught up in reading and research and forget that there are things to be done to prepare and elsewhere!!
I am going to start sketching out the mews/weathering area, and begin gathering the legally required and necessary tools of the it seems we will be progressing much faster than I have anticipated!!
And I will be needing to make a GH, soon, if we intend to trap a hawk.
Let the trial by fire begin!!!
More soon!

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