Friday, November 7, 2008

Starling Project

I am currently researching ways to acquire food for my Red Tail.
This research has led me to many confusing conservation regulations, and in the end a few phone calls and forum posts to get the info I need.
Starlings and House sparrows are open season year round with no bag limits. But, my birding books don't list house sparrows as such. I don't know their latin name, etc. So I won't be trapping them until I can properly identify them.
But, I do, however, know what starlings look I plan to trap them!!!
I found some links on Google, and a member of the AP falconry forum gave me another link....between those plans, I have been formulating a plot to eradicate any starling dumb enough to fall for my tricks!!!
I have contacted MDC for regulations regarding this project, proper permitting, proper handling and dispatching....AND I was told that I may use an Air rifle in the back yard!!!!!! Yes!!! But I was also told that I needed to double check this with the police department to be sure! Here is the ordinance:
Sec. 78-252. Discharge of firearms, BB guns and air rifles.
No person shall discharge any firearm or BB gun or air rifle which propels BBs or other metal by compressed air or gas except when done on his own premises or premises controlled by him, in proper and necessary cases.
(Code 1981, § 26-137)

Springfield Greene County Municipal Codes

Upon speaking with them about my intent, we agreed that shooting a starling on the ground would be legal if there was no way that the bullet (pellet) would endanger life or limb outside my property and was under my continuous control.....
However, I do not want to scare the neighbors, even if this allowed me to target practice with a protective and suitable backdrop, also within my control, it would be slightly less ethical! So, the way it reads, it is OK for me to use the pellet gun to dispatch the prey...however, shooting it at random birds in trees, would be outside my control....if I am a bad shot! ha ha ha.....But in my book, still not OK.
SO...there we go! I have the OK from the Police Dept. to shoot a starling, safely, under the assumption that they are a nuisance, and the pellets are controlled and confined to my property...
See what making a few phone calls can do? Clear things up, that's what!

Here are some links for starling traps. I plan to build one using what I find to be the best of all the ideas combined, using what we have laying around (which there is plenty of things laying around! LOL

As far as this goes, I think my bases are covered!
Will try to update when my trap is built....and after starting to trap and any info that I find relevant to this topic, when I can!

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